
Recipe: Slop 2.0

AuthorAngela Murrell



  1. 🫖 Prepare vegetable stock - eg. if using better than bouillon, bring 6 cups of water to boil in a sauce pan, with the paste in the water. Stir and remove heat.
  1. 🥑 In the instant pot, drizzle avocado oil.
  1. 🥕 Dice veggies (small cubes), then add veggies to instant pot: carrots, sweet potatoes, celery, onion at the bottom. Jiggle the pot to make contents flat and even.
  1. 🌶️ Add aromatic/flavor bits (eg. chopped garlic, ginger, Thai chilis) on top of the veggies
  1. 🍚 Measure out the grains and lentils - then add them on top, jiggling the pot to flatten out the contents again.
  1. Add Seasonings on top of contents, do not mix. You season again after the chicken so if measuring out, use half (e.g. 1 teaspoon per spice)
  1. 🍗 Add Chicken flat and evenly on top. You could have several layers of chicken. Add more seasonings again. Do not mix. (e.g. 1 teaspoon per spice)
  1. 🫖 Pour in the stock over the chicken and optional red or white wine vinegar. No need to mix. The flavors will blend together on their own during pressure cooking!
  1. ⏲️ Set Instant pot to pressure cook for 10 min. The lid needs to be on and secured. Press start.
  1. ⏲️ Anticipate 25 minutes: It will take about ~10-15 minutes for it to “pre-heat” kind of like an oven. Then it will build pressure for 10 minutes.
  1. ⏲️ After the 10 minutes of building pressure is done, the instant pot will count time. Set timer for 15 minutes on phone/watch. We set the timer so that we can cook the food at this pressure, which is called a natural release – it really means slowly cooking while slowly losing pressure. Later we will do a quick release to get the remaining pressure out.
  1. 🔔 When your timer goes off, the instant pot will say 15:00 min has gone by. We can now do a manual/quick release to let go of the remaining pressure. It takes about 2 minutes. Wait till the instant pot is done releasing pressure before removing the lid, which you will hear a click.
  1. 🥘 Break up the chicken with a sturdy spatula or wooden spoon. Should come apart easily. Serve!